Make sure to pick up a copy of the February issue of Met Home to see the story on our friends Todd Oldham and Tony Longoria's gorgeous country house. Not sure why it's featured in their "White Issue", (since it practically explodes with color) but it is a nice contrast from all the minimal, white interiors throughout the rest of the magazine. The brilliant outdoor movie theater, the beautiful gardens and their amazing art collection are dazzling, but just wait until you see all the incredible things Todd has done with paint on the interior walls of the house.
And don't forget to watch the premier of Top Design on Bravo next Wednesday, January 31st at 11 pm. Todd is the host and mentor of this new show, which I already know I'm going to be addicted to, and it hasn't even started yet!
Oh wow thanks for the tip about the magazine, the pictures look great. Oh and I already have the DVR set for Design Star, between Todd and Johnathan Addler I can hardly wait!
ooh!! good, that will help substitute my project runway withdrawls :)
what an awesome house.
That's a far cry from their midtown partment in the late 80's!
hey did they mention whose art that is hanging on the wall in the last pic?
Those are by Megan Whitmarsh, whose work can be seen at http://www.tinyindustries.com/.
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