I don't know what it is about fake food that I love so much! And I can't remember how or why I originally came across this site for clown props that sells foam food products, but for some reason I have it bookmarked and I visit it occasionally to look at the pictures. I still can't justify spending $15 on a string of foam sausages though...
Maybe this obsession with foam food has something to do with the fact that I was dressed up like a sandwich for Halloween back when I was three.

you are killing me with that picture of you in the sandwich costume!!!
that look on your face! this gave me a good laugh this morning... in a good way.
too cute!
pretty hilarious, right? i remember i couldn't sit down all day because of the foam... i was probably pretty tired by the time that picture was taken.
really hilarious. it just makes me smile..
evident from this photo, 'someone's mom' must also have a obsession with all-foods-fake!
heehee. my most vivid memory about the sandwich costume is how sorry (even as her torturous sandwich-costume-making-mom) I felt for Lauren as the day progressed and how it cramped her inability to maneuver. poor kid couldn't even sit down, but because she was in between 2 'slices' of thick foam bread, she could LIE down and be extra comfy! ;-)
what a Happy Halloween trooper, though, eh?
costume recipe: glue in large pieces of yellow felt (cut with holes) for the swiss cheese, shape pale green crepe paper and glue in for the lettuce; use electric carving knife to cut the foam and brown shoe polish to color the crust. PUT THE KID IN and attach bread slices together at strategic points using seam binding and staples(?)!
oh man, I remember the hershey's kiss costume best of all!
devon was a totem pole one year and couldn't move all day long : )
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