I have hedgehogs on the brain today! I was packing up some of the hedgehog point markers we have for sale in the
shoppe and that got me thinking about all the adorable pictures I've seen online recently of peoples' pet hedgehogs. Don't even get Derek started on pet hedgehogs... he's been wanting one ever since he found out that they can be trained to use the litter box! Cute as they are, I just can't imagine our 2 kitties ever getting used to having a little hedgehog roaming around the apartment. He'll just have to settle with the yarn and felt hedgehog I made (pictured here enjoying a nice sunny day out on the lawn) and the
magnetic hedgehog paper clip holder that sits on our desk. (Hedgehog photos courtesy of cuteoverload.com)

Saw a show on Animal Planet where there was a sick hedgehog (pet) brought into the vet's office. Vet had to examine it by holding it with an oven mitt...
Sooooooooo cuddly, those little hedgehogs! Heehee.
Derek should check out the 'HedgeHog Crossings' in G. Britain. Some drivers brake for hedgehogs, and sometimes not....
hedgehogs are the greatest! i think they are one of those animals that seem too improbably adorable to be real. i have somewhat similar feelings about pygmy monkeys.
happy hedgehogging,
sarah p.
oh my goodness that is cute!
I've been trying to convince devon that another kitten, or a bunny, would be a nice addition to us three (me hiim and 3 legged cat). I just envision the cat and the bunny sitting side by side and laugh... he thinks a rabbit is dirty, doesn't understand that they train themselves to use a box.
ah well.
very cute. i was at smith and hawkin the other day and saw this cute
hedgehog ornament with an apple on it's back.
i think i would like it better without the apple, but it was really cute. when turned over, it's belly was painted and had little feet painted on as well.
I believe a certain 3 legged cat would NOT appreciate a bunny in her space!
i love them too. i have some hedgehog necklaces at chainchainchained.etsy.com
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