Park(ing) Day was so much fun! Lots of folks came out to relax on our little patch of grass on Valencia Street, and we were surprised by the amount of people who dropped quarters in the meter to help us pay for the spot. We served up some lemonade and ants on a log in the afternoon, and were able to divvy up our leftover sod between two people who will be using it to prettify their back yards. More photos from SF parking spots can be seen over at Inhabitat, and we posted a couple to our flickr site, with more to come in the next few days. Thanks to everyone who stopped by!
again, totally awesome and fun!
I'm exhausted so that seems to be the only comment that my brain can come up with today- but, also: rad!
I just realized that I'm signed in as devon, this is actually jessamyn. ah well, we're kind of one and the same! he's just not always as exuberant as me ;)
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