"People! flung wide and far, born into toil, struggle, blood and dreams, among lovers, eaters, drinkers, workers, loafers, fighters, players, gamblers. Here are ironworkers, bridgemen, musicians, sandhogs, miners, builders of huts and skyscrapers, jungle hunters, landlords and the landless, the loved and the unloved, the lonely and abandoned, the brutal and the compassionate–one big family hugging close to the ball of Earth for its life and being." -
Carl SandburgThe Family of Man. "The greatest photographic exhibition of all time." 503 pictures from 68 countries–created by
Edward Steichen for
The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1955.
How I would have loved to see this exhibit! Someday I will have to make my way to Luxembourg where it is on permanent display.
This book was in my house growing up and I frequently poured over it. Certain images are burned into my mind. If you ever see this book (or if it's still being published), snap it up! It is not only one of the best photography books of all time, it is one of the best books of all time. Now let me go find my copy...
While we're on the subject, no more Thursday Photo Assignments?
a trip to luxembourg... add that to the list of why we should go. sigh.
Just out of interest do you know who the New Zealand photographer was who was in that exhibition? Cheers!
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