February 10, 2010

New Art

After watching Herb & Dorothy last night, I got to thinking about collecting art, and remembered that I haven't shared the most recent additions to our own modest collection- recently back from the framers and hanging in our dining room! On the left is a print by Wayne White, and on the right are 3 prints by Tom Bonauro. Don't they look great together?

Speaking of the dining room, we wallpapered one wall with our Lena Corwin wallpaper last Fall, and painted all the other walls in a lovely shade of blue/gray that matches the ground color. It feels sooo much better than the glossy white paint that was in there before!


  1. ummmmmmmmmmmmm...
    love the art and all. the room looks great. so sweet.
    can we discuss that lighting fixture?

  2. those lamps are super fun!

  3. i love it!!!! the lighting is amazing!

  4. Gorgeous room! I am with everyone else, that lighting is amazing! Where's it from?
