October 06, 2009

Step 1: Bathroom Redo

I wanted to get the bathroom done first for a couple reasons: it is the smallest room with the least amount of options (no rearranging of furniture, etc.), and I have been itching to get a new shower curtain for the longest time. When we went to New York in August we stayed at the Ace Hotel for a couple nights, and I was inspired by the simple, utilitarian decor and the little pouch that acted as a makeshift medicine cabinet for us to store our toiletries.

Inspiration: the Ace Hotel in NYC
(image via notcot)

Our bathroom

Rather than buy a new shower curtain, I walked over to our local fabric store, (which happens to be having a 40% off sale right now!) and spent $15 on 2 1/2 yards of lightweight denim and some silver grommets.

I stitched up the top and bottom, added the grommets, fashioned a little storage pouch, and it's done!

The best part of this bathroom redo has to do with the fact that I spent an entire afternoon cleaning and reorganizing everything in it, top to bottom. Got rid of all the old makeup, shampoo, hairbrushes, expired cough medicine, and everything else that we don't use on a regular basis, and put everything else into labeled bins. We hung a couple pieces of art on the wall and are contemplating a new paint job, but for a one-day room redo and less than $20 in expenses, I'm pretty pleased.

Finally, I hung all our back issues of Housekeeping on the back of our little storage closet door, so I can read it when I'm brushing my teeth in the morning. Housekeeping is a free, one-page, double-sided 'zine of sorts, consisting of random newspaper clippings, obituaries, stories and recipes that some friends of ours in New York put out every now and then. It's really, really good stuff!


  1. Your shower curtain is great! I love the pouch. We need to clean out our bathroom badly. So many crusty bits and half emptied bottles of who knows what. We need to clean out everything actually. I love the denim too. I went to fabric outlet the other day to find some lightweight denim for Lois's b-day dress but couldn't find any. I figure you went there because they're having the 40% sale. I will have to go back. I made her dress but the denim is too stiff and the hem is jacked up and crappy, argh! Need lightweight. Rambling comment, sorry, too much coffee!!

  2. Looks great you guys! I love remodel stories so am excited to see more. I'm almost done decorating my guest room and will be sharing pictures soon on my blog. Change at home is so much fun and reinvigorating!
