July 22, 2009

Han? or Indiana?


  1. Dang. So hard!


  2. I don't think either one would make for a very good boyfriend, but I guess I would go with Indiana cause I don't know that I'd want Chewbacca trying to sleep at the foot of our bed . .

  3. Oh man...both are witty and heroic... but I think I have to go with Indiana on this one.

  4. Han...definitely, Han. No wait, Indy I forgot that he's also a hot prof...

  5. indiana for sure.

  6. the younger brasher more enamoured of bad boys me would choose Han. But the older, still adventurous, more appreciative of a heroic-type-bustin'-out-of-scholarly-guise - chooses Indiana!

    Make it a tough decision, why don't ya?!?

  7. i don't know why, but my instincts want to go with Han...so Han it is.

  8. So hard! Indie is the knee jerk response, but having seen the original Star Wars series with my kids last week, I was reminded how sexy Han was....to have a relationship..Indie...for a one night stand...Han baby!

  9. Han! Although I remember watching Indiana swim across the ocean and my 10-year old heart swelling. But Han was there first.

  10. This is probably one of the toughest questions I've ever had to answer, because I loved them both all my life. But I think I need to go with Han, since he might have literally been my first crush - when I was six.

    *dreamy sigh*

  11. Oh, Han, no question.

    Who didn't fall in love with him in the first Star Wars??

    Still makes my head spin....

  12. gah, that's a tough one. i'm gonna say indy because i would hate to have to travel in warp speed ;)

  13. Han! My first crush ever! I didn't even see Luke for the glory that was Han Solo. Dreamy.

  14. Isn't this the era of having it all?

  15. Indy. Timeless style, heroic and yet he still an imperfect charm (like when he misjudges a situation or makes a dumb mistake)! Plus, I simply can't get past the bad "han hair".

  16. Blakester5:29 PM

    Definately Indiana!!! My first huge crush!!! My mom worked at Distributors Warehouse (an appliance store). She took me to work one day and there I sat and watched the first Indiana Jones on one of those (back then) huge TV screens and the chair was brown with split leather. I watched it twice.
