June 13, 2009

So good.

Bon Iver goes Back to School.


  1. Hi,

    My name is Tracy Jackson, I'm the Affiliate Manager here at Fabric.com. I found your blog today, and was quite impressed.

    I have a special gift for you and your readers. At your convenience please call me at 1-888-455-2940 ext. 214 or you can email me at tracy@fabric.com.

    Thank you "sew" much for your time. I hope to hear from you soon.

    Tracy Jackson
    Affiliate Marketing Manager
    1-888-455-2940 ext. 214

  2. i love him! this weather makes me want to stay in bed and listen to bon iver...

    great blog!

    all the best,
    david john

    carmen freudenthal/ elle verhagen
