May 11, 2009

Wallpaper Projects Book Giveaway!!!

Be one of the first 3 people to correctly answer the following wallpaper trivia questions and we'll send you a free copy of our new book Wallpaper Projects!

Email your answers to to win!

1. What wacky 1971 film features a lickable wallpaper that tastes like snozberries?
2. What common kitchen item was used to wallpaper Pop artist Andy Warhol's famous "Silver Factory"?
3. Which of the Tenenbaum children has this wallpaper from Scalamandre in their bedroom?

4. Which "Beautiful Loser" artist has his own amazing line of wallpapers called Pottok, which we feature in numerous projects throughout our book?

5. What 2004 movie about New Jersey inspired this shot from our book?


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  3. Elisa8:49 PM

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  4. Kristen R.9:40 PM

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  5. Kristen R.9:43 PM

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