October 01, 2008

1 year of DIY Wednesdays

It's been almost a year since we started posting weekly DIY projects over at design*sponge, so I thought I'd round up photos of all our projects and post them on a flickr set, which you can see here.

So many of these projects have been put to good use at our house- the pillows, magnets, duvet cover, clock, keychain.... we use this stuff everyday! Thank you to Grace for inviting us to contribute to her amazing blog and for giving us a reason to make something every week. (This week's project will be posted tomorrow, so be sure to check it out!)


  1. I'm inspired! How does one find used wine crates?

  2. We've found a few at thrift stores, but an even better bet is to ask your local wine shop if they've got any that they're getting rid of. Good luck!
