August 14, 2007

Things and Stuff

photograph by Tony Longoria

Lots of news to share- we have found a retail space and will be opening a real live Curiosity Shoppe here in San Francisco this October! That's right, we will officially be a "click and brick" operation. (The photo above isn't of the shoppe, unfortunately, but was sent to us by our friend Tony. Don't you love the sign??)

In addition to relocating our business, we have decided to move into the apartment right upstairs from the shoppe, so we will be packing up everything else in our lives this week and moving this weekend! Crazy, right? Which means that orders placed online for the rest of the week (starting today) won't be going out until next Tuesday, 8/21. Sorry for the inconvenience, shoppe-rs!

More updates to follow...


  1. Hi there. Congratulations on your new retail space! I've been thinking about opening up a shop myself AND dreaming of a space where I can also live upstairs! Best wishes.

  2. YAY!!!! well we're movin' on up... movin' on up!
    Wish we could be there to help.

  3. Wow, that's great! Where will the shop be exactly? I guess you may want to keep that to yourself for now and surprise people later. If you need any help for a few days before opening, I'll be freed up around mid September, so just let me know.

  4. i thought your store was a real live shop!

    : )

  5. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Well that is just the best sign I have ever seen. It is on the level of 'chat 'n chew' in Union Square (NYC) for me. I love it! I am also into signage, and fonts. Glad to know about your blog.

  6. hey congrats to you both. well deserved. it's gonna be great. i can hear the ring of the cash register already!
