April 09, 2007

Visual DNA

You must all try this! Click on the link above and see what your choice of images says about you. It only takes a few minutes, and is super interesting. Above is a sample of my "Visual DNA".


  1. ooh that was fun, thanks for the link!

  2. Fascinating!
    What a find, this site!

    Me =
    MOOD: Easy Rider
    FUN: Escape Artist
    HABITS: New Wave Puritan
    LOVE: Home Soul

    Pretty darned spot-on.

  3. Interesting...
    Some categories were hard to choose an image that Irelated to that word.
    Pretty accurate but not sure the Love summation is quite me though...

    Mood: Go Getter
    Fun: Escape Artist
    Habits New Wave Puritan
    Love: Touchy Feely
