November 14, 2006

Making & Selling

One of the joys of running The Curiosity Shoppe is seeking out new handmade items to sell. Something else we'd like to start doing more of is making our own crafty items to put on the site.

Making things by hand in large quantities is truly a labor of love, and quite a different experience from making unique, one-of-a-kind items, as most crafters tend to do. But wouldn't you much rather spend your day crafting than sitting in front of a computer? Last week I finally shipped out 2 big boxes of crocheted cupcake pincushions that will soon be for sale at one of our fave websites, And I spent some time yesterday afternoon replenishing our stock of Vintage Matchbook Notepads that are already for sale in the shoppe. We found lots of great matchbooks recently, and I just love using my perforating tool to make the tear-out pages. Fun!


  1. Anonymous6:25 PM

    the stack of cupcakes is fantabulous!!!! congratulations on finishing them they look good enough to eat.
