October 20, 2006

Seal of Approval

A few months ago, we introduced Lauren's mom to the wacky world of blogs. It seems that in doing so, we've created a monster. Luckily, it's a super-creative, interesting, fun, artsy-craftsy kind of monster. So the other day I was checking out her blog, and she had a great link to a site where you can customize your own seal (see above). I've always been curious about all sorts of heraldry, crests, and official-type ornamentation. And I'm still a sucker for patches and badges. Perhaps part of me wishes I had stuck it out in the Boy Scouts. Can you imagine what an awesome collection I'd have now...


  1. LUV your seal!
    LUV you!

  2. Awesome bird items at the bird inspiired giftie/crafts at the "Shoppe"!
    Delightful bird cards...good work, L&D.

  3. "true love jamboree"!
    best favor ever.
