June 08, 2006


Man, I love a diorama. I don't care if it's a 4th-grader's Play-Doh replica of the Alamo or a herd of gazelles traipsing through the Serengeti at the Natural History museum, I love them all. I'm not quite sure what it is about them that moves me. Is it the attention to detail? The ingenious use of materials (a toothpick reborn as a treetrunk, a sugarcube igloo dusted lightly with "snow")? I guess what I love most about them is that they can be about anything. They can be about nature, history, space, the future...there really is no limit. Proof of this can be found in a very small sampling of some pictures of dioramas I found online...

"Septic Tank Installation"
For an interesting article about Stephen Christopher Quinn, the senior project manager (aka Diorama Maestro) at the Museum of Natural History in New York, click here.

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