Please join us this Friday, May 14th to celebrate the opening of "Ideal Bookshelves" featuring paintings, prints, and postcards by the talented
Jane Mount. Many of the pieces in the show represent Ideal Bookshelves submitted by friends, both from San Francisco and around the country. It's an amazing and beautiful collection, and it's been endlessly fascinating to check out all the great books people are into these days.
PLUS: We're offering a $25 gift certificate to the first person who correctly guesses which of the above "Bookshelves" belongs to Lauren and I. (click the image to enlarge) Leave your guess in the comments*.
PLUS: It's practically Lauren's birthday, so come by and wish her a good one!
WHAT: Ideal Bookshelves, works by Jane Mount
WHEN: Opening Party Friday, May 14, 6-8pm.
WHERE: The Curiosity Shoppe, 855 Valencia St.
(*Our moms and employees of the Curiosity Shoppe are not eligible).