February 26, 2009

Photo assignment: Birds

These bird photos are awesome!! Thanks to all who contributed this week! "Next week's theme is: mail". Send your photos to: info@curiosityshoppeonline.com before next Thursday if you'd like to participate.

Derek's photo

Lauren's photo

Paige's photo

Conn's photo

Andrew's photo

Melina's photo

Jackie's photo

Linda's photo

Bev's photo

February 25, 2009

Monster Drawing Rally!

This Friday night is Southern Exposure's 9th Annual Monster Drawing Rally, and we can't wait!! For those of you who have been before...you know how awesome it is, and I'm sure we'll see you there. If you've never been, you must check it out. There will be over 130 amazing artists drawing (live!) and offering up each piece for sale as soon as its done. It's a fantastic way to spend an evening surrounded by good people and great, affordable art. Plus: Your purchases go towards supporting the best arts organization in town.

Southern Exposure's 9th Annual Monster Drawing Rally
Friday, February 27th, 6-9pm
@ the Verdi Club

February 24, 2009

Roadside Attraction

Driving on Hwy 80 near Vacaville on our way home from Tahoe today, we spotted these tractors in the middle of a field. When we drove by I realized they weren't tractors at all, but stacked and painted HAY BALES, and we immediately pulled over to try and get a closer look. Unfortunately we weren't able to get close enough to take a really good picture, because these were some impressive constructions- complete with painted silhouettes of steering wheels and windshield wipers through the painted on windows. Roadside treasures like these really make me want to take a road trip...

February 21, 2009

Next week's photo theme!

In honor of Christina's amazing bird drawings now on display in the Shoppe gallery and the fact that I went to see the incredible Andrew Bird play at the Fillmore last night, next week's photo assignment is: "birds".

Please email your photos to info@curiosityshoppeonline.com before next Thursday if you'd like to participate! Happy weekend!

Birds and Movie Stars by Christina Empedocles (detail)

Andrew Bird photo courtesy of sfist.
A few of our favorite items from the upcoming auction of some of Michael Jackson's personal belongings...

Rhinestone Socks
Guide price $600-$800

A fire engine tea kettle with moving wheels.
Guide price $100-$200

Edward's Scissorhands!
Guide price $4,000-$6,000

A painting on stretched canvas featuring iconic figures such as Abraham Lincoln and Albert Einstein wearing Jackson's trademark sunglasses and glove.
Guide price $1,000-$2,000

February 20, 2009

Christina Empedocles Tonight at the Shoppe!!!

Please join us tonight! tonight! tonight! to celebrate the opening of "Buckled and Pinned" in our gallery space. The outrageously talented Christina Empedocles has created indescribably beautiful graphite drawings that you've got to see to believe. So swing by the Shoppe this evening between 6 and 8pm and join us in ogling her amazing work. There will be drinks and snacks.

Buckled and Pinned
Christina Empedocles
Opening reception 6-8pm
Friday, February 20th
@ the Curiosity Shoppe
855 Valencia Street (between 19th & 20th)

February 19, 2009

Meet our friend Lorna!

We are blessed to know so many creative and talented people...it seems only right (and good and fun) to share some of them with you here. Our pal Lorna Leedy is a magnificent artist, fashion designer, and adventuress extraordinaire. She is currently in a group show in New Orleans called "Soft Architecture" that was organized by KKProjects. There appears to be lots of great art by many talented folks in the show, so please click through the links to explore. I just wanted to briefly share a few quick images of Lorna's bandage tents, and the incredibly awesome cardboard maze she installed.

Oh, and I can't get over the amazing Abbra Cadabbra Home Security installation by Caroline Rankin and Megan Whitmarsh!!

February 18, 2009

1 Minute at the Curiosity Shoppe

Our friend Nadine made this 1-minute movie at the shoppe last summer! To see more of her 1-minute films of San Francisco click here.

February 13, 2009

Photo assignment: Painting

I don't know how I made it through the entire day yesterday thinking it was Wednesday! Sorry again for the tardy post- and thanks to everyone who sent in photos for this week's theme. Next week's photo theme is: "plaid" and I will be posting them next Thursday, so please email me an image before then if you'd like to participate! (info@curiosityshoppeonline.com)

Lauren's photo

Conn's photo

Bev's photo

Andrew's photo

Jackie's photo

February 06, 2009

Photo assignment: 3-D

Sorry we didn't get these images up yesterday when we should have... We ended up spending most of the day at City Hall at a Planning Commission meeting (more info here if you're interested) and didn't get home until late. But here are this week's photos! Next week's theme is: "painting". Email your photos to info@curiosityshoppeonline.com before next Thursday if you'd like to participate!

Lauren's photo

Paige's photo

Joelle's photo

Conn's photo

Mushroom Adventures

Shiitake Patch

Pearl Oyster Mushrooms

For Christmas, my sister gave us a 3-month subscription to the mushroom-growing-kit-of-the-month-club from Fungi Perfecti. Above are some results from the first two kits we have received. The process was a little scary at first (you mist them with water a couple times a day, then BOOM! Mushrooms!) but totally interesting and they are soooo delicious!

February 04, 2009

Come On Down!!!!

Hey Bay Area Buddies:
Please join us this Saturday, February 7th, from 2 to 7pm, for an exciting day of special events and Shoppe-wide discounts! As part of We Heart the Mission we will be hosting 2, count 'em, 2 wonderful Valentine's Day-appropriate special guests in the store.

Our regular micro-correspondent Lea Redmond, of the World's Smallest Postal Service will be on hand to help you create the most unforgettable, teeny-tiny Valentines for the big love(s) in your life, (or anti-Valentines, she doesn't judge)...

AND the lovely ladies behind PodPost will also be at your service to help you whip up great-looking letters as well. To spread even more love, we're knocking 10% off everything in the Shoppe (except Thomas Wold's incredible artwork, because that's already crazy affordable). So please come on down, have some snacks, sip a little something and get in the Valentine's Day spirit with us!