March 27, 2008
Love this picture
From a Japanese magazine purchased at Kinokuniya a couple months ago. I pretty much bought the magazine because of this picture. I'm off to day 3 of jury duty selection... fingers crossed that I don't get chosen!
March 24, 2008
Crafty Kid
March 14, 2008
I'm crazy about these textured rugs by a Norwegian company called Permafrost Designstudio.
Top photos are of an area rug called "Silence", which I first spotted in the new issue of dwell. Although I have loved spending the last couple winters in California, I do miss the snow a little, and this rug with its little critter prints made me smile. Bottom rug is called "John Deere- Grass". How great is that?
March 13, 2008
Magic Garden
Just had to share these photos of the Magic Garden we "planted" in the shoppe this weekend. It's pretty incredible.
March 09, 2008
Art Scavenger Hunt
Boy do we love art. And scavenger hunts? Heck Yes!! So we were more than thrilled to be involved in the "Hare and the Hounds" interactive art experience this weekend. The show is part of the Blue Space gallery just around the corner from us and involves artists making maps that lead buyers on an art hunt around the Mission. We had three wonderful artists hide clues and artwork in the Shoppe: Jonn Herschend, Kristina Lewis, and David Kasprzak. Check out some pictures of the artwork and the lucky hunters on our flickr. So fun!!!
Artist Jonn Herschend hands off his clue to Derek...
...and a few hours later, the lucky owner of Jonn's piece shows off the clues he's been collecting throughout the day.
March 08, 2008
Felt Guns & Tons 'o Fun!
Thank you so much to everyone who came out to celebrate our opening last night for Sarah Applebaum's 21 Gun Salute! We had such a wonderful time and the installation looks AMAZING! We'll be posting the artwork for sale at the Shoppe soon, so keep an eye out for that. For those of you who couldn't make it to the opening, here are some fun pictures.
March 06, 2008
Art opening tomorrow night!
We are so excited about the new show going up in the shoppe gallery- "21 Gun Salute," by our friend and amazingly talented artist Sarah Applebaum. Sarah has created a rainbow arsenal of felt guns for this show that you absolutely have to see.
Please join us at the opening tomorrow (Friday) night from 6-9pm at the Curiosity Shoppe, 855 Valencia Street in SF. In the meantime, you can click here for a mini sneak preview of the installation. More photos coming soon!
March 05, 2008
Faux Get It!
I spotted this awesome faux-brick planter yesterday evening on a stroll through Berkeley. It reminded me of the wonderful wood bricks we just got in the shoppe made by our new friend Ben. Dang, can't get enough of that faux!
March 01, 2008
Fun with food!
Our friend Ellen was in Dusseldorf last week for the Euroshop retail trade show, and she sent us this image from a company's booth that specializes in deli lighting. Not only are the meat people one of the best things we've laid eyes on, but I also love the shrink wrapped cold cuts with hard boiled egg flowers. This picture, coupled with some that I saw when flipping through my copy of Betty Crocker's Cook Book for Boys and Girls the other day is really tempting me to start getting more creative with my food presentation....