Tie One On is a website/blog that is entirely dedicated to aprons. They come up with a monthly theme, and people make aprons and send in their pictures to be posted on a flickr gallery. Brilliant! I don't think I can motivate to make one before the October 1st deadline, (the theme is pinafores) but hopefully I'll be able to participate in the next one. Check out the pic- someone's submission from June's theme, which was "the musical". Can you guess which musical this one represents?
wow that is crazy. an apron a month? and THAT one? so elaborate. very impressive, I can't wait to see your Nov 1 apron. My guess for musicals is Guys and Dolls. I am probably wrong...
that was my guess too kate.
and the answer is?????
You guys are so smart... you're both right! You should click on the link and see some of the other musical interpretations in the flickr gallery. There's South Pacific, The Sound of Music, and many many more!
Yeah.. the 2 you mentioned were the best!
I also liked the OompaLoompa one.
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